City Road Allotments

Looking Back at 2019

New Flower Border Blooms in 2019
With the completion of a new wall at the entrance in 2017, association member John Stoa suggested to the committee that we create a welcoming flower border at the entrance to the site. John went to work on the design, asked the committee to fund a large bulb order and organised a generous supply of Discovery Compost from Dundee City Council. Then with the help of a group of volunteers compost was laid, bulbs and cuttings were planted and our new border came to life in the spring of 2019.

Open Day 2019
Once again we opened our doors and invited the local community to come in and join us for the day. Association members had stalls with our locally grown produce for sale. The community hut was open for tea, coffee, home baking and a chat. For those who just want to enjoy a taste of nature in the middle of the city, there was the opportunity to just come along for a relaxing stroll around the gardens.

Wildlife Garden
In 2019 we were very fortunate to have local designer Lisa Cochrane work on our site to design and create a wildlife garden for us.